venerdì 17 agosto 2012

INORAN: European Tour 2012

INORAN: il leggendario chitarrista giapponese, celebre per essere il cofondatore dei LUNA SEA, in assoluto tra le più importanti ed influenti band J Rock di tutti i tempi si esibirà in due concerti di supporto al suo nuovo album "Dive Youth, Sonik Dive".Per i fan italiani del genere questo è davvero un evento da non perdere.

Martedì 11 Settembre presso "Officine Meccaniche Wig Wam" a Mirano (VENEZIA)
Giovedì 13 Settembre presso " The Theatre / Black Circus " a Rozzano (MILANO)

Info prevendita biglietti: Coming soon!!!!

venerdì 13 luglio 2012

Suicide Ali 2nd full album

SUICIDE ALI 2nd full album [Tainted Gallery] on sale Sep 12, 2012

I laid 47 strings to seal the hole that opened in my heart
The first full album in three years by SUICIDE ALI is packed with 12 tracks including several newly written songs! The package also includes a DVD with the PV recorded for "Yonjuunana no Gen"

Live schedule:
Aug 19, 2012 Ikebukuro CYBER(oneman)
Sep 15, 2012 Ikebukuro Closet Child (in store event)
Sep 15, 2012 Ikebukuro CYBER(event)
Sep 28, 2012 Osaka ZEAL LINK (in store event)
Sep 28, 2012 Nishikujyo BRAND NEW (guest)

SUICIDE ALI 2nd full album [Tainted Gallery]
Aug 19, 2012: available for pre-sale at live venues
Sep 12, 2012: on sale
Disc number: SWSA-6
Label: Starwave Records
Distribution: Daiki Sound
Price: 3500yen (tax in)
Limit 1000 copies

CD Playlist:
1. Introduction
2. Shijushichinogen
3. Hakuri
4. Kowoegakuyamai (Album ver.)
5. Domyaku (Album ver.)
6. Stitch Doll (Album ver.)
7. Moyuruhonou
9. Perpetual check (Album ver.)
10. Haiironokaten
11.Futomei Syndrome
12. Gyoshoninnokaiga

DVD Playlist:
1. Shijushichinogen (PV)

official WebSite

Online Shop:


mercoledì 4 luglio 2012

girugamesh's first single in a year and 9 months, produced by TAKUYA (ex JUDY AND MARY). girugamesh loved how deep the sound is!

「Zecchou BANG!!」

Type A : saikouchou-ban 2 CDs (2012/7/4)
2 track CD+Tokyo Sadistic~Consecutive 13days~ LIVE Disc
2,100 yen (tax in)

1. Zecchou BANG!!
2. Zecchou BANG!!(utau no wa anata ver.)*Karaoke
[Includes LIVE Disc:10 Tracks]
Never ending story、CRAZY-FLAG、bit crash、stupid、Mouja no koushin fu junai(L)、Break Down、sunrise、evolution、Omaeni sasageru minikui koe

Type B : zecchou-ban CD+Booklet (2012/7/4)
2 track CD+Tokyo Sadistic~Consecutive 13days~ Complete Archive Book(32 color pages)
*Comes with a ticket to participate in signing events on girugamesh's national performance tour
2,100 yen (tax in)

1. Zecchou BANG!!
2. Zecchou BANG!!(utau no wa anata ver.)*Karaoke

*Limited-time-only single (sale ends 12/31/12)


girugamesh official website

domenica 24 giugno 2012

Darkest Labyrinth & Starwave Records

online shop started to sell BLOOD limited single [Unseen the NEW WORLD]!
BLOOD limited single [Unseen the NEW WORLD]

March 23, 2012 release
Disc number: SWBD-4
Labal: Starwave Records
Price: 1,500yen (Tax in)
Limited 300 copies

Play list:
1. Unseen the NEW WORLD
2. Absurdity
3. Vice
4. Allium

mercoledì 20 giugno 2012

Eriko and DJShiru Tour Dates

ERIKO + DJ Shiru LIVE! tour 2012

  • March 4 Italy Roma, Palalottomatica (Roma Comics and Games)
  • April 21 Switzerland Bellinzona, Espocentro (Japan Matsuri)
  • April 28 – 29 Italy Napoli, Mostra d'Oltremare (Comicon)
  • April 30 Italy Napoli, Galleria 19 (club)
  • May 1 Italy Napoli, Mostra d'Oltremare (Comicon)
  • May 18 Italy Olgiate Olona (VA) MO.OM Hotel (Opening Art Exhibition of Tomoko Nagao)
  • May 20 Italy Genova, Magazzini del Cotone (SMACK!)
  • June 2 – 3 Italy Novegro, Parco Esposizioni (Festival del Fumetto)
  • June 23 Italy Garda (VR), (Festa delle Fate)
  • July 1 Italy San Bonifacio (VR) (UnRealWorld)
  • July 5 France Paris, Club Covent Garden (Japan Expo)
  • July 27 – 28 Italy Cava de’ Tirreni, (Cavacon)
  • August 17 Japan Tokyo, Bar Speak Easy (club)
  • August 20 – 25 Japan date da confermare
  • September 2 Italy Caserta (Reggia del Fumetto)
  • September 15 - 16 Italy Catania (Etna Comics)
source: OCHACAFFE'

Synk;yet 1st mini-album

Synk;yet 1st mini-album [Messiah] on sale September 12, 2012

"Staining your transparent heart crimson..."
Their metal sound layered with symphonic synth and vocalist Liki's clear, catchy melodies culminate in a genuinely exhilarating experience! Welcome to the deep crimson world of Synk;yet!

Live Schedule:
August 5 Ikebukuro RUIDO K-3 (Release Party)

1st mini-album [Messiah]
August 5, 2012: available for pre-sale at live venues
September 12, 2012: on sale in stores
Disc number: SWSY-1
Label: Starwave Records
Price: 2,100yen (tax in)
Limit 1000 copies

01. Messiah
02. Claire
03. to Mother
04. Temptation
05. Predia

Official Website
Online Shop
Information e-mail

Source: Starwave Records worldwide fans

Synk;yet, new Starwave Records band

Please welcome Liki, Rino, Shiori and Kouji from Synk;yet, a new band from Starwave records! Good luck to them!

Source: Starwave Records worldwide fans

BLACK LINE new look

Source: OHP

Starwave Records Worldwide Contest

Starwave records worldwide fans contest

A special contest for fans is now open!

The winner will be chosen by the bands themselves during this summer in Tokyo and will receive a little surprise ^o^

More info here.

umbrella [五月雨] PV

Tokami [The Under of Garden] PV

Tokami Best album [Schwarz Kain]

Tokami Best album [Schwarz Kain]
Playlist CD:
1. The Under of Garden
4. Dictator
5. Coexistence
6. Crisis in the Future
7. Crimson Sky
8. Solitary...
9. Kuro Ageha
10. ~shinkai~
11. =merciless=
12. LemurianSeed
Playlist DVD:
1. The Under of Garden (PV)

Official Website
Online Shop
Information e-mail